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Fiber Society 2012 Spring Conference

공지일시: 2012-04-26 09:00:00

Fiber Society Conferences
    • 2012 Spring Conference - May 23-25, 2012
      Hosted by
      Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland
      Conference website: fs2012empa.ch - REGISTRATION (for fees, see below)
      Call for papers
      Abstract template - Authors - you must use this format. Submit online
      Sponsor Opportunity

      Eastern European Colleaques: The organizers of the conference have the possibility to apply for partial funding of travel and accommodation costs to support active participants (i.e. oral or poster presenters) from countries in Eastern Europe. A potential funding will be provided by the SCOPES programme (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland).

      Link: http://www.snf.ch/E/international/europe/scopes/Pages/default.aspx

    • Major themes: New Polymers/Materials for Fibers, Smart Textiles,Fiber-related Bio- and Nanotechnology, Comfort/Health, Technical Textiles/Composites, Fashion/Apparel, and Fiber Development, Processing, and Characterization

      Around 70 oral presentations by polymer and fiber scientists from all over the world are expected. Keynote speakers include Dr. Phillip Gibson, Natick, USA; Dr. René Rossi, Empa, Switzerland; Dr. Martin King, NC State University, USA; Prof. Vladan Koncar, Ensait, France; Prof. Urs Meier, Empa, Switzerland; and Prof. Thomas Scheibel, University of Bayreuth, Germany. English is the conference language.

      Registration fees:
      Presenter Rates:
      Oral and Poster US$500.00
      Student Presenter Rate (oral and poster) US$250.00

      All oral and poster presenters must register no later than April 30 or forfeit their place in the conference. They will not be in the program and their abstracts will not be included in the Book of Abstracts.

      General Attendees:
      Early Registration Prior to April 30 Cutoff May 1, Rates Become
      Fiber Society Member US$600.00 US$650.00
      *Nonmember US$700.00 US$750.00
      Student US$250.00 US$300.00

      US$150.00 ($200.00 after April 30), includes the banquet and guided city tour only.
