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6th European Conference on Protective Clothing

공지일시: 2013-11-12 09:00:00


Safe, Smart, Sustainable…
New pathways for protective clothing

Safety is not the only requirement for protective clothing. Ergonomics and comfort are essential too, as are the growing importance of environmental aspects (sustainability) and the upcoming integration of electronic features into the equipment (smart textiles). These evolutions are taking place in a global but well-regulated market.
Centexbel, in cooperation with Fedustria, Febelsafe, ETSA and ESF, and in association with the European Society on Protective Clothing “ESPC”, invites you to learn more about this complex and fascinating topic on the occasion of a 3 day conference in the unique setting of Bruges' historic inner city. Product safety, ergonomics, comfort, sustainability, integrated electronics and regulatory aspects will be given due attention. A well-balanced comprehensive programme of keynote lectures, presentations, posters and discussion sessions is awaiting you!
The conference is the continuation of a long tradition of Nokobetef and ESPC conferences that bring together experts from all over Europe and beyond. An ideal opportunity for new ideas and for networking!

Conference topics

The programme of the Conference will include the following scientific and technical topics in the area of protective clothing, gloves and footwear:

  • Innovations in Safety Features 
  • Smart textiles (including compatibility, electronics, new materials and new developments) 
  • Comfort and Ergonomics 
  • Sustainability (including care and maintenance, environmental impact, life cycle aspects)

Date and venue

The conference will take place on 14th, 15th and 16th May 2014 in Bruges, Belgium.


The official language of the Conference is English. All submissions (including oral and poster presentations) shall be written and presented in English.

Important dates

Submission of abstracts December 10, 2013
Confirmation of the contribution acceptance 31th January 2014
Deadline for receipt of registration forms 15th March 2014
Submission of full papers and fee 31st March 2014
